Tyler Texas is located in Smith and is about an hours drive from Athens, Canton, Longview, Henderson and Jacksonville. Below are services verified by Texas Trucker Info, please contact us to add new resources for truck drivers or report problems with any of our recommendations.
Tyler Truck Center
13268 Interstate 20
Tyler, TX 75708
website: www.lonestartruckgroup.com
Jars Truck & Trailer Repair
5152 Hwy 271
Tyler, TX 75708
website: www.jarstruckandtrailerrepair.com
Rush Truck Center
11042 Highway 69N
Tyler, TX 75706
website: www.rushtruckcenters.com
Crow Towing
P.O. Box 6544
2929 Crow Road
Tyler, TX 75711
website: www.crowtowing.com